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“Jesus – Conquering the Real Enemy” - Part II

In his book, The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker says we humans set up elaborate systems to deny our finitude, to deny our death. We establish corporations, institutions, fortunes, families, fame, reputations, pedigrees, awards, accomplishments, etc. to “make our mark” and thus make ourselves “immortal”. Some would say this is the grand delusion, the ultimate deception, the demonic perversions of the truth.

Jesus, on the other hand, accepted the reality of finitude and death into his very being, thus avoiding the need to build a kingdom to deny his fear of death and the reality of finitude. Ironically, by taking death unto himself, he was triumphant over it.

What do you think of these views? Could they apply to us? How do you feel? Why?

In his book, Jesus Before Christianity, Albert Nolan says that “to save one’s life means to hold onto it, to love it and be attached to it and therefore to fear death. To lose one’s life is to let go of it. to be detached from it and therefore to be willing to die. The paradox is that the person who fears death is already dead, whereas the person who has ceased to fear death has at that moment begun to live. A life that is genuine and worthwhile is only possible once one is willing to die.”

“Jesus was fully alive because he was willing to suffer and die not for a cause but for a people.” He refused to resort to violence to preserve his life. He died willingly so that the ‘kingdom’ might come.”

What do you think of these views? Do they avoid reality? Is this wishful thinking or fancy theologizing to explain failure? What do you think? Why?

In his book, Jesus before Christianity, Albert Nolan says that everyone has a god – “in the sense that everyone puts something first in one’s life; money, power, prestige, self, career, love and so forth. There must be something in your life which operates as your source of meaning and strength, something which you regard, at least implicitly as the supreme power in your life…If you think of your highest value as a cause, an ideal or an ideology, you will have a god with a small letter. Either way you will have something that is divine for you.”

Many would say that if God is not the Divine for you, the Demonic will fill that role. Thus the exorcism Jesus needs to perform for many people is to expel all the false gods and values which function as “god” which are “demonic” because they have no real power. What do you think of these views” Why?

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