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It all happened when I was in college in Minneapolis beginning my studies to be a minister. In my sophomore or junior year there appeared on our college bulletin board a huge, intriguing announcement. A Christian college in St. Paul was going to sponsor a big public debate between two theistic theologians and two well-known atheist attorneys.

The night came for the big debate, and I was there, ready to soak in the intellectual action. The auditorium was packed – standing room only. As the four debaters arrived on stage there was a loud applause and then a curious silence as the moderator introduced the participants and outlines the rules of procedure.

The theologians won the coin toss and chose to go first in the debate. Each was allowed five minutes for his opening statement. They stated their several reasons for belief in God. and each statement was based firmly on the phrase, “The Bible says.”

Over and over again the theologians quoted the Bible citing its over-abundant affirmations of the existence and reality of God. With Bible in the left hand, and the right hand punctuating the air with emphasis like Billy Graham, the theologians asserted their position with almost brash confidence and then strode boldly to their seats. Applause, applause, applause roared from the largely sympathetic audience (so take that you atheists, they seemed to be saying.)

And then a quiet hush decided upon the huge crowd. What could these atheistic lawyers possibly say to top that, many silently thought as the attorneys made their way to the podium.

Slowly and deliberately, the first attorney leaned into the microphone and said, “We don’t believe the Bible. The Bible is a collection of myths, legends, fairy tales, contradictory teachings and inaccurate science. We don’t accept the Bible as evidence.” They continued. “Unless you can come up with some other reasons for belief in God, the debate is over. We don’t accept your evidence.” And they sat down.

Another palpable hush descended upon the huge crowd. The moderator looked to the theologians. A thousand pair of eyes looked to the theologians. “Well, what is your response to these God-less non-Bible-believing atheist attorneys?”, the audience seemed to be saying silently.

Silence and more silence. Finally, after conferring with each other, one theologian came to the microphone. He said firmly, “We believe the Bible to be the Word of God. And the Bible is its own best proof. And it proves the reality and existence of God.” And he sat down.

Silence and more silence. The moderator looked quizzically at the atheist attorneys. And they said, “There’s nothing to talk about. You have no scientific evidence. End of debate.” The audience gasped. What, no debate? And I thought the same. What, no debate? I had come all that way to hear some really good arguments for theism and hoped to see the atheists put firmly in their place. But no. I filed out silently and sullenly with the rest of the disappointed crowd!

It occurs to me that in this discussion of atheism and theism, you might see me somewhat in the role of the theistic theologians. And some of you might see yourselves a little bit aligned with the atheistic attorneys. Or at the very least you might regard yourselves as the somewhat “cultured despisers of religion” that the famous German theologian, Friedrich Schleiermacher, called his audience years ago!

Even more challenging, some of you in a skeptical mood, might be feeling like one of America’s heroes, Thomas Edison, who said, “So far as the religion of the day is concerned, it is damned fake…Religion is all bunk.” So it may be that many of you have your “bunk-detectors” on high frequency as I attempt to make a case for theism!

(To be continued)

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