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According to the International Society of Human Rights in Frankfort, Germany, about 80 per cent of all acts of discrimination in the world are directed against Christians. The Center for the Global Study of Christianity says an average of 100,000 Christians have died each year in the last decade for motives related to their faith. At that rate, that would mean that in the last decade eleven Christians were killed each hour. And yet these facts are under reported by the media and largely ignored by Western Christian Churches.

Last January, in Egypt, tens of thousands of Christians left when Islamist Morsi rose to power. When he was deposed in July, things did not improve. Muslim Brotherhood supporters set fire to the Churches of Abraham and the Virgin Mary in Menya, burned down the Mar Geergiss Church in Southern Sohag and murdered many priests and laymen. The Virgin Mary and Priest Ibram Monastery were forced to cancel Mass for the first time in 1600 years.

Attacks in Nigeria by Muslim extremists have been especially severe. September 16, 2015, Muslims attacked a Christian community killing 18. The day before, nine Christians were killed in their village. The day before that, 20 Christians were massacred.

Once again in Nigeria in 2015 between April 25 and May 24, 215 Christians died at the hands of militant Muslims. In Syria on August 28, 2015, 12 Christians are tortured and murdered by the Islamic State for refusing to convert to Islam. That included a 12 year old boy who had his fingers chopped off and 3 women who were raped and 3 others who were crucified.

On and on the horrific stories go – once again largely under reported by the Western media and failing to provoke the ire and protests of Western Churches and countries. Let us pray ways will be found to prevent this violent assault on Christians.

A good resource book is, Persecution: The Global Assault On Christians, by Marshall, Gilbert and Shea, published by Thomas Nelson in paperback.


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