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There is a war on Christians taking place in the world and it is largely ignored by the media. And most of the war on Christians is taking place in Muslim controlled countries or territories.

In its last print edition, (February 13, 2012) Newsweek magazine published a cover story titled “The War On Christians” written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the former Muslim woman and author of the best-selling book, Infidel. Ali says terrorist attacks on Christians in Africa, the Middle East and Asia have increased 309% from 2003 to 2010.

Fearful of being accused of Islamophobia or xenophobia the media ignores the bloody Christophobia spreading throughout the Muslim world, says Ali.

In Nigeria the Boko Haran (which means “Western education is sacrilege”) intends to establish Sharia Law in Nigeria and plans to kill all the Christians (about 61 million) in the process. In 2011 Boko Haran killed at least 510 people and burned and destroyed more than 350 churches.

Ali writes that the U.N. indicates that between 53,000 and 75,000 innocent civilians have been displaced from their homes. In Egypt in 2011 more than 200,000 Coptic Christians fled their homes fearing attack.

In Iraq in the last 10 years, 125,000 Christians have fled from their homes. Christians predated Muslims in Iraq by more than 600 years. In Nigeria 190,000 people have been displaced. In the last four years approximately 1000 churches have been destroyed and 2053 Christians killed by Boko Haran.

In Saudi Arabia the situation for the million Christians is grave. Churches and private acts of Christian prayer are banned. Religious police regularly invade Christian homes and accuse Christians of

blasphemy (i.e. Christian rather than Muslim faith) in the courts.

Ali says “It should be clear from this catalog of atrocities that anti-Christian violence is a major and under reported problem.” Ali continues, “Instead of falling for over-blown tales of Western Islamophobia, let’s take a real stand against the Christophobia infecting the Muslim world.” She then adds this powerful statement: “Tolerance is for everyone – except the intolerant.”

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