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One of the principal sources of Islamist extremis is the 17th century Islamic reformer, Muhammad Wahhab. He broke away from the Ottoman Empire in Turkey declaring the Ottomans had diverged from the true Islam and faith and were apostates worthy of death. He rejected medieval jurisprudence, mysticism and philosophy and went to central Arabia to establish an authentic, pristine enclave of faith modeled on seventh century Islam. He believed that only the Koran and Sunnah (traditions associated with Muhammad) should be the final and only authorities for Muslim beliefs and practice. And most importantly, he believed his version of Islam should be imposed by force. Osama bin Laden was strongly influenced by Wahhabism.

Members of the Wahhabi sect formed a pact in the 1920’s with Saudi King Abdul Aziz that brought the al-Saud family to power. In 1979 Islamic fundamentalists (Wahhabis) posed as pilgrims at Mecca and killed hundreds in an effort to enforce a more strict form of Islam.

Although the attack was intended to critique the Saud kingdom and to instill a more strict interpretation of Islam, the Saudi royal family sought to establish a closer relationship with the Wahhabi’s.

So the Saudi’s, in an effort to placate the Wahhabis whose support they needed to remain in power, established a World Muslim League in l961. Through the League and other Muslim organizations, the Saudis spent $65 billion on Islamic causes between 1973 and 1993. More than 210 Islamic centers have been wholly or partly funded by the Saudis and their Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. In Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia, more than 1500 mosques, 202 colleges and almost 2000 schools have been established and funded by Saudi Wahhabism. Saudis have spent millions for mosques and Islamic Centers in the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Austria, Portugal and other places.

Wahhabis are violently anti-Jewish, anti-Christian and anti-American. They pray for the destruction of the tyrant Jews who are called monkeys and descendants of apes. They claim Judaism and Christianity are deviant religions. Wahhabis believe all non-Wahhabis are infidels. The Wahhabis philosophy is conquest, subjugate or die.

Such is the influence of 18th century Muhammad Wahhab with strong support of the Saud dynasty of Saudi Arabia.

(For further reading consult Armstrong, The Battle For God, Timmerman, Preachers of Hate)

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