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On average fore the last eleven years n America, about 36,209 died each year in auto related accidents. That's over 398,308 in the last eleven years. Plane, train and bus travel are exceedingly more safe. Should laws be made to prohibit private automobiles.

1. A car is a 3000-6000 pound potential high speed missile operated by:

a. People texting while driving

b. People driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

c. People who are emotionally unstable who often exhibit their instability in road rage

d. People who are poorly trained and informed in the skills of driving safely.

e. Would-be race car drivers who pretend to be champions on our freeways

and streets where they face no real competition

f. Teenagers who frequently are careless and flamboyant risk takers as they drive.

g. Elderly people sometimes hampered in driving ability by poor vision, poor hearing and

inadequate muscular motor skills for today's driving.

h. Mentally unstable people who may seek to do harm to self or others with an automobile.

i. People who habitually are careless, reckless, and aggressive drivers.

2. Should private ownership of motorcycles or cars be banned and people forced to use public

transportation, unmotorized transportation like bicycles, horses, horse carriages or walk?

3. Should laws be made to hold responsible the manufacturers of automobiles for all automobile

accidents and deaths?

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